What is ‘sunset anxiety’? Why does the end of a day fill you with panic?

Sunsets are a beautiful thing to behold, but the feelings that can accompany them? Not so much.

Hundreds of people have taken to Reddit to report experiencing anxiety, panic and a general sense of emptiness as they watch the sun set and darkness descend.

Although “sunset anxiety” is not an official diagnosis, it is so common that it can be considered a phenomenon.

“Does anyone worry when the sun is about to set and night is coming? Lately I’ve noticed that I feel very anxious, scared, scared, uncomfortable, anxious and overwhelmed as the sun goes down,” said one person on social media.

“When it’s completely dark outside, it starts to dissipate and I feel a bit better, but it’s like that every day. I’m not looking forward to the next day because I know it’s only 6pm and I’m dreading the next few hours. Nothing really happens except I feel terrible?”

Others were quick to sympathize, claiming that they too experience the same emotions.

Some people begin to feel anxious as the sun fades, and many have reported feelings of panic, regret, guilt, or a general sense of emptiness. Yury Kirillov – stock.adobe.com

For people who have been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder or naturally feel more anxious, it follows science.

A 2022 study found that people who are less prone to worry felt more anxious in the morning, and anxiety slowly declined as the day went on.

However, people with high levels of anxiety never felt a drop in anxiety; it lasted all day.

Meanwhile, new research suggests that night owls, or “evening chronotypes,” experience anxiety worse in the evening.

In addition to the general feeling of nervousness and restlessness, many factors can contribute to a person’s peak anxiety around sunset.

According to the Calm Clinic, the causes of evening anxiety can include an increase in tension from post-work stress, not being distracted and panicking about going to sleep.

“Productivity guilt” can also be a factor, giving someone the feeling that they didn’t get enough done during the day.

“Productivity guilt occurs when we have unreasonable expectations of how much we can accomplish within a given period of time,” Israa Nasir, MHC-LP, therapist and author of “Toxic Productivity: Reclaim Your Time and Emotional Energy in a World That Demands always more”. “, he said about HIMSELF.

There is also “anticipatory anxiety” – worry or worry about the future because of the possibility of a negative outcome.

Productivity guilt can eventually lead to anticipatory anxiety, the therapist explained, saying there’s an onset of worry about all the things that need to be done tomorrow.

“At the end of the day, we remember everything he didn’t do it,” explained Nasir. “Also, we know that tomorrow will begin and have its own tasks, so the things we left incomplete can feel even heavier.”

Nasir added that perfectionists are particularly prone to these kinds of internal anxieties and pressures.

“We can believe that in order to be loved, we have to be perfect…and develop these high standards for ourselves that aren’t always realistic,” he explained.

Associating nighttime and darkness with the time when your stresses and worries emerge can cause your mind and body to start feeling anxious when it knows it will be that time of day. Creativa Images – stock.adobe.com

So how can you remedy their sunset anxiety?

Calm Clinic suggests keeping busy and planning things you enjoy after you leave work, such as socializing or a workout.

Exercise after work is also advised by the Calm Clinic because “one of the best short-term cures for anxiety is aerobic exercise.”

They also suggest setting goals you can work on each evening—even if that goal is to complete a puzzle—as well as being in tune with your anxieties and not trying to fight them.

“Admit it to yourself, try to examine what you’re actually doing during your anxiety, and then work to figure out how to manage it,” Calm Clinic noted. “Fighting anxiety makes it worse, but accepting it and moving on can significantly reduce its impact.”

But if staying busy and active doesn’t help, they also recommend a “boring routine.”

Practicing mindfulness throughout the day can help ease the build-up of stress you have left over at sunset, and having a nightly routine can provide a sense of purpose.

Licensed mental health counselor Nicky Treadway explained to Heathline that when anxiety strikes later in the evening, the body is switching to its natural circadian rhythm. Black Ivy images – stock.adobe.com

“I’m conscious of creating a habit at night so my mind knows the work day is over,” Nasir explained.

Treadway echoed the idea of ​​having a routine that will help transition from day to night, whether it’s a 15-minute shower, essential oils, journaling or meditation.

Finally, know when to seek professional help. Therapists can help navigate the stresses and anxieties that hit you at sunset.

#sunset #anxiety #day #fill #panic
Image Source : nypost.com

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